CALL FOR NOMINATIONS (Secretary-General and two members at-large)

Dear Members of ISfTE – past and present,

It is that time of year again!  In late June or early July, we will be holding elections for a new Secretary-General (3 year term) and for two members at-large for the board of directors (also 3 year terms).  We would like anyone who is interested in one of these vital positions or who would like to nominate someone to the board to please send a message to Peggy Saunders, chair of the election committee, at by Friday, June 16, 2017.

To vote or to run for office, you must be a current member of ISfTE.  Current members would include anyone who attended the 2017 seminar in Denmark or have paid the membership fees of $75 through the online payment since August, 2016, under the “Become a Member” tab on the ISfTE homepage (  Two payment options have been made available by our treasurer, Sheryl Rushton: PayPal or Weber State University’s online store; however, if neither of those options work for you, please contact Sheryl at so she can give you the direct deposit information into the ISfTE account. Membership must be maintained throughout the length of the office.

It is also expected that the newly elected board members, especially the S-G, attend the annual executive board meeting which take place the day prior to the beginning of the annual seminar in Japan (Sunday, May 13, 2018; seminars for 2019 & 2010 have yet to be determined), or if they cannot be there in person, be willing to electronically attend the meeting (Skype, etc.).

Again, please send the nomination of yourself or a colleague to Peggy Saunders, chair of the election committee at If you are nominating someone, please be sure to ask them prior to nominating them. Peggy will ask candidates for a short statement about their association with ISfTE and what they hope to contribute to the board.  Nominations and membership renewals are due by Friday, June 16, 2017. Elections will take place shortly thereafter.


Peggy Saunders, Chair of the Election Committee
