Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education (JISTE)
JISTE is an official, refereed publication of the International Society for Teacher Education (ISfTE). The goal of JISTE is to publish six to eight articles in each issue. Using the ISfTE Annual Seminar theme, articles in the first issue of each volume are normally based on papers presented at the previous ISfTE Seminar.
The journal provides a forum for dialogue about teacher education in an international context; this should be clearly reflected in your submission. We invite theoretical and empirical papers (qualitative and quantitative), as well as case studies, book reviews and critical reflective commentaries related to international teacher education. We welcome submissions from educators, academics, teachers, and practitioners working in all regions of the world.
Please consider publication and encourage your colleagues to submit as well.
JISTE Submissions are invited for Volume 26, Number 2
Theme: Education during fast times: Sustainability, virtuality and teaching practices in a post-COVID 19 context
We encourage submissions from all members of ISfTE for this issue. Special consideration will be given to papers presented at the ISfTE Seminar held in Florianopolis, Brazil, May 2022. For JISTE publication, participants are invited to revise their seminar papers, attending carefully to the manuscript and publication guidelines, and submit to the journal for consideration. Book reviews on the theme are also invited.
Submissions are accepted through the JISTE website. Please register/login to the JISTE website.
Detailed instructions are available on the website and at
Deadline for submission: August 15, 2022. Issue published by December 31, 2022
Editor in Chief:
Leanne Taylor,
Brock University, Canada
Other Publication Opportunities with JISTE
Book and Other Media Review Submissions
Members of ISfTE may submit reviews of books or other media that are relevant to the purpose of the journal and informative to the readership of JISTE. Reviews may be no longer that 500 words or one journal page. Reviews are subject to editing by the editors.
Recent Publications Submissions
Members of ISfTE who have authored or edited a book published within the past three years may submit an annotated reference of no longer than fifty words. Annotations are subject to editing by the editors.
Letters to the Editor Submissions
Members of ISfTE may send letters to the editor of their comments to an article printed in a previous issue of JISTE. The letter(s) received will be forwarded to the author(s) of the article for a response. Both letters will be published in JISTE. A letter should be no longer than 500 words. Letters are subject to editing by the editors.